20 zero calorie foods that can help you maintain a healthy weight
According to modern day science, zero calorie food means that the amount of energy spent in digesting that food is more than the energy that food actually provides. I would not say that I blindly believe in this but the following foods have some great nutritional value with a very low calorie count. Hence, they are an excellent choice for a low calorie diet.
SourceFlickrDan Zen
1. Celery is on top of the list due to its high water density and excellent fibre content. Also, it is very well known to lower blood pressure and help prevent cancer thanks to the amount of luteolin present in it. You can read more about it
here .
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 16
SourceWikimedia commons
2. Oranges are not only extremely high in vitamin C but also very low in calories when compared to other fruits. A
study has shown how oranges can lower DNA damage and support immune system.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 47
3. Cabbage is a great source of fibre, vitamin C and potassium. Also, it has cancer preventive properties with respect to colon, bladder and prostate cancer. Read more about cabbage
here .
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 25
4. Asparagus provides essential B group of vitamins. It is also rich in folate which is important for expecting mothers and a healthy heart. Australian Asparagus Council talks about the facts and myths about it in detail
here . It is so low in calories that you can eat a whole bunch guilty free.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 20
5. Beets are known to be an excellent source of iron and antioxidants. You can enjoy them raw in smoothies, steamed, boiled or grilled.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 43
SourceFlickrSkånska Matupplevelser
6. Cucumber had to be on this list since it contains so much water. Hence, it is a great addition for salad and is a wonderful choice for an active lifestyle since it keeps you hydrated, flushes out the toxins and provides skin friendly minerals.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 16
7. Lemons can add flavor to your meal and cleanse your body as well. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice in a glass of water and drink it first thing in the morning to get rid of toxins and lose weight in a healthy way.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 29
8. Cauliflower is known to be an anti-inflammatory food and is really good for the body’s cardiovascular and digestive system.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 25
9. Watermelon is not only a beautiful sweet fruit but is also extremely low in calories. It boosts metabolism and flushes out toxins from the body.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 30
10. Kale is my favorite food from this list. It has been an amazing addition to my daily diet improving my skin and overall health. Extremely high in antioxidants and vitamin K , kale is nothing but beneficial to you.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 49
11. Turnips are an anti-inflammatory food and can help fight any health condition that occurs due to inflammation. But people with already existing kidney or gallbladder problems might want to avoid turnips.
Whfoods explains about its benefits, also how the oxalates present in turnip may be of concern for people with the above mentioned problem.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 28
12. Apples make a great addition to a low calorie diet. They are full of vitamins, fibre and antioxidants.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 52
13. Onion is a very good source of biotin, manganese, vitamin B6, copper, vitamin C, dietary fiber, phosphorus, potassium, folate, and vitamin B1. To yield maximum benefits from an onion, peel off as little as possible.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 40
14. Carrots are best served if cooked or in the form of juice. Cooking carrots increases their level of beta-carotene, which is a kind of antioxidant. Our body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, which is good for vision, skin, hair, reproduction and so many other things. An interesting
study by US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health talks about how beta-carotene was best absorbed from meals containing cooked or pureed carrots.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 41
15. Broccoli has a great impact on body detoxification systems and has some special cholesterol lowering benefits. It contains vitamin A, C, folic acid and calcium.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 34
16. Brussels Sprouts may taste good with butter but you are better off yielding its excellent health benefits without it. They are rich in vitamin C, vitamin K and omega-3 fatty acid.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 43
17. Zucchini is a very versatile vegetable. It tastes good as fries, bread and even pasta. Due to it’s high potassium content, zucchini may be good for your heart as well.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 17
18. Tomatoes are rich in alpha-lipoic acid, lycopene, choline, folic acid, beta-carotene and lutein. These antioxidants protect against the damage to body cells. Tomatoes are often linked with their contribution in treatment towards prostate cancer. There have been a couple of
studies for the same, which have been discussed in detail in this article
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 17
19. Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D, which helps absorb calcium. Being rich in compounds such as lectins, proteins, glucans and other carbohydrates, it has been promoted as cancer inhibitor.
Read here how there is still some research going on for evidence of the same. American cancer society talks about various type of mushrooms and their contribution towards cancer treatment on their
website .
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 38
20. Grapefruit is known as diet food. It is high in vitamin C, fibre and is known to keep weight under control by improving body metabolism.
Total calories per 100 gram serving: 42
If you are trying to lose weight or even if you are trying to maintain a healthy weight, including these fruits and vegetables to your daily diet will not only provide you with essential vitamins and minerals, but also increase your metabolism and help you fight against all kind of diseases. Nobody can eat all these on a daily basis. It is more about changing our habits and replacing the junk food and snacks with some of the above mentioned foods. Creating good habits will help maintaining good health.
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Note: I have used the following calorie calculator for this article. Most of the wonderful health information comes from various studies (links included) and Whfoods website .
235658 - 2023-07-18 00:18:59