3 ingredient natural drain cleaner
This easy method with 3 ingredients is a great way to clean drains naturally.
Many store purchased cleaners have hazardous, corrosive chemicals with strong odours that can irritate people with asthma, allergies or sensitivities.
These natural ingredients are
safe to use,
environmentally friendly and are good for sensitive noses, children and pets.
3 ingredient natural drain cleaner
You will need
2 litres of boiling water
1 cup bicarbonate (bicarb soda)
1 cup vinegar
[Image4 These 3 ingredients work wonders as natural drain cleaner]
Pour 1 litre of boiling water down the drain to help loosen grime and dissolve any fat build up.
Pour 1 cup of bicarb soda down the drain. Rub the bicarb soda into the plug hole if it is dirty or stained. Leave for 15 minutes. This will also aid to deodorise the drain.
[Image2 Pour bicarb soda into the drain and rub into the plug hole if necessary]
Pour 1 cup vinegar down the drain and put the plug in. Leave for 15 minutes.
[Image3 Pour vinegar down the drain then ]
Remove the plug and pour boiling water down the drain.
If it still smells, repeat a second time.
Repeat weekly.
[Image1 The results were surprising! The drain was shiny and smelt good]
Blocked and stinky drain prevention tips
There are a few things you can do to stop drains from blocking and becoming stinky, including;
Use a drain strainer to collect food, hair or other materials. Empty the strainer regularly.
Collect fat and oils in a jar rather than pouring it down the drain.
Pour 1 kettle of boiling water down the drain once a week to dissolve any fat build up.
Repeat the 3 ingredient drain cleaning method above weekly to prevent blockages and keep your drains smelling good.
{Quick Tip
#108 : Naturally clean stainless steel effortlessly}
[Linkhttp://healthyhints.com.au/diy-green-cleaning/ DIY green cleaning]
{Natural DIY cleaning products}
236125 - 2023-07-18 00:33:14