7 Winter remedies for acne prone skin
When winter comes around, many people who experience problematic and acne prone skin will notice that their complexion gets worse.
For those who have never really had acne issues, winter can also be a time when skin starts to become a problem. So what can you do to ease up the effects that winter weather has on your complexion? Plenty.
Having great skin in winter isnt impossible if you know what to do. Image creditBelovodchenko Antonsxc.hu
During the winter, we are mostly indoors, which means we are exposed to dry air pretty much all the time with the only alternative being stepping out into the cold air where our skin is subjected to sudden changes in air temperature. And if you live in the colder parts of Australia, your skin will certainly feel the difference, as it's our skin that has the first contact with the outside elements.
Here are some tips and home remedies you can start doing right away from the comfort of your home, to help you go through the winter unharmed or with far less flare ups.
1. Use a humidifier in your bedroom
This will moisturise the already dry air that's likely to exist in your home due to the heater being used more. You can also use a vaporiser with similar results. You'll likely remember these from your childhood when your parents put them on to ease congestion from colds. They keep the air moist and helps your skin from drying out.
Use all your acne medications far less in winter, theyll only further dry your skin. Image credit Matthew Bowdensxc.hu
2. Ease up on the acne meds
Yes, that's right, cut back. Cut back on using over the counter acne fighting medication, such as creams and lotions because for the most part, their sole purpose is to dry out blemishes on your skin. In most of these treatments the main ingredient is acids and alcohol (both designed to dry out oil in your skin). Acne treatments are great in summer since your skin is often hotter, sweatier and hence, oilier, but winter is not the best time to have a dry skin. Try using them every other day instead of daily for at least a month until the weather (and ideally your skin) starts improving.
Note: if you have doctor prescribed treatments, make sure you do not change those, not at least without your doctor's consent.
4. Change your skin cleanser
You might not be aware of it, but there are different cleansers for different types of weather. For example if you're using cleansers containing benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, they are not the best in winter. Why? Because again, they dry your skin. Switch for the winter months to milder cleansers or cleansers that contain moisturisers, they're available pretty much everywhere.
5. Keep your skin moist
It's never too early to start regularly using a good moisturiser. Especially for bedtime when your skin is typically its driest.
Keeping your body hydrated is important all year around, but especially in winter. Image creditGet Wiredsxc.hu
6. Drink plenty of water
This health tip is provided so often simply because keeping your body hydrated really is one of the best things you can do for it. This tip is good all year around, not only for the winter months. However, you might feel less thirsty in winter (because heat promotes thirst stronger), so do not forget to drink 1.5 litres of water a day (at least) - try drinking warm to hot water in the colder months.
7. Sweat it out.
You body needs a way to get rid of toxins and in the warmer months this typically happens through sweating. During winter this can be particularly challenging as people tend to become far more sedentary in nature, and exercise much less than in summer.
Do not ignore your exercise routine or if you aren't particularly active at a gym, you'll need to find a way to release those accumulated toxins during the winter. Find a nearby sauna or bundle up and go on a brisk walk/jog outdoors, but don't stop exercising in winter.
There are many more things you can do, but if you adhere to these seven tips only, you should get through winter with a clearer face.
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235377 - 2023-07-18 00:11:49