Banana and Oat Pancakes
Menstruation is a time of the month that varies for every woman. For some it may be a very uncomfortable time, others it may not be a bother.
In the Western world, menstruation is usually seen to be a negative occurrence, a time of discomfort, moodiness and a hassle. Traditionally, and particularly in tribal traditions, menstruation is something to be celebrated, a celebration of our feminism and our womanhood.
Instead of wallowing in the negatives of menstruation such as the costs of sanitary items, what we can't wear, and the discomfort, it is surely a better idea to at least try and learn to embrace this time, see it as an opportunity, not a problem.
In Ayurveda, this is seen as a time of detoxification for a woman's body, releasing many toxins from the past month. We can learn to actually accept and support the time of having our period by using natural therapies. One of these supportive therapies that I will talk about in this article is aromatherapy.
The endocrine system is responsible for the production of hormones, and certain essential oils are very effective in reaching the endocrine system and helping the body achieve more balance.
The following essential oils are wonderful for this time:
Clary Sage - restores balance to hormones, eases cramps, helps eases muscle tension
Lavender - calming, helps eases cramps
Ylang Ylang - eases stress and nervous tension
Ginger - digestive complaints
Rosemary - fatigue, sore muscles
Bergamot - anxiety and irritation
For PMS symptoms:
Roman chamomile
Ylang ylang
Clary Sage
There are many ways that you can use essential oils. Perhaps some of the best ways for this time is the following:
Aromatic bath (essential oils in the bath, amount of drops is usually written on the back of the bottle).
Massage (mixing essential oils into a base oil such as jojoba oil, coconut oil, olive oil etc.)
Vaporiser or oil burner
Please note:
For women who experience heavy periods avoid the use of clary sage. For heavy bleeding, try a warm compress on the lower abdomen with essential oils such as geranium, cypress and frankincense.
Always make sure your essential oils are 100% pure.
Let us celebrate our cycles and embrace our bodies natural rhythms!
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#Natural Cures & Prevention
#Women's Health
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