Banishing dark undereye circles

Banishing dark undereye circles

Posted 2014-06-29 by Wendy Martinfollow
Having dark circles under your eyes or saggy skin makes you immediately look older and tired. Sadly, the skin under your eyes is very thin and therefore prone to becoming puffy, dark or even red.

Weve all experienced dark circles under the eyes or puffy eyes for one reason or another, here are a few things you can do to help prevent and treat them.

While there are an overwhelming number of beauty products and services on the market to to cover up, lighten or relieve them, they are often expensive and laden with chemicals. Alternatively, there are a few things you can do to help prevent problems instead of hiding them.

Try some of the following ideas and tips if you experience dark under eye circles.

Get enough sleep
The most common reason for dark rings or bags under your eyes is lack of sleep, or disturbed sleep. We've all been there; long flights, sick children, newborn babies, stressful nights.

When possible, it definitely makes sense for you to get the right amount of sleep every night. The minimum amount needed varies from person to person, but 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep is ideal.

Stop smoking today
Everyone knows how bad smoking is for your health. And if you smoke, your skin is just one more thing that will suffer as smoking causes premature aging of the skin around the eyes, making them less supple and more likely to be saggy.

Smoking is bad for your body for a number of reasons, your skin will age faster when you smoke quit now Image credit Ant

Hydrate your skin
The skin around your eyes is extra sensitive. Make sure the foundation you use contains sunscreen or put sunscreen on your face to keep wrinkles (and sunburn and bad UV exposure) away! Products containing retinoic acid will be very effective at protecting the delicate skin around your eyes.

Be gentle
Do be very careful when applying makeup, sunscreen or generally touching the skin around your eyes. Do not pull at the skin when you apply moisturiser to it.

Treat the problem
If you already have puffy eyes and under eye circles, you could reduce the problem by applying cold tea bags or slices of cucumber to your closed eyes. Both options will cool the skin, reduce redness and swelling.

To combat eyes that are already dark andor puffy, try reducing the problem with cold tea bags or slices of cucumber to reduce the puffiness. Image creditKoos

If you can't completely get rid of the dark circles, a high quality concealer should do the trick at hiding them as long as it matches your skin colour. Cosmetic products that contain caffeine can also help alleviate this problem as they tighten the skin.

While dark circles are a part of life from time to time as we're all subjected to tears, poor sleep and travel, taking the time to help prevent them will make a huge difference in your appearance and confidence. If the problem persists, consult a natural health practitioner as there may be an underlying cause such as kidney or liver stress, reaction to medication, or food allergies.

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