Beer can be good for you
Here’s some good news for beer lovers. Beer (in moderation) can actually benefit our health.
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Beer contains natural anti-oxidants, and more B vitamins than wine. The darker the beer the better. Anti-oxidants help to repair cell damage and can actually prevent heart disease.
If you think about it, beer is made up of ninety-three percent water, plus barley (which contains beta-glucans – a source of soluble fibre), and hops (which contain polyphenols that help to lower cholesterol, fight cancer and kill viruses).
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Dark beers also contain iron, which helps carry oxygen through our bodies.
Moderate beer drinkers are shown to have lower blood pressure and reduced incidence of blood clots which can lead to strokes.
Marinating meat in beer is said to help block out cancer-causing chemicals.
One or two pale ales a day has been shown to support bone strength. Any more than that begins to have the opposite effect.
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A study in the New England Journal of Medicine linked beer consumption with lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
And here’s a surprising one – some research shows that drinking beer can raise your insulin sensitivity, which can help protect you against diabetes.
Of course the key here is moderation. A good amount is around a pint a day, and some beers are healthier than others. Stick to darker brews, keep your consumption at reasonable levels, and combine it with a healthy lifestyle and enjoy yourself - guilt free.
#men 's_Health
235425 - 2023-07-18 00:13:13