DIY kids day spa
Begin with a foot bath
This is a great way to get children to relax and have some nourishing 'down time'. You could incorporate the kids day spa as a Sunday afternoon pampering ritual, as a rainy day boredom buster, or as a technique to encourage quiet rest time during the week. Work together with your children to set up a 'sacred healing space', perhaps with candles, some fresh flowers, gentle music, and an oil burner.
Ready for a massage
Step One: Grounding Foot Bath
Once you've set up a sacred healing space, lay out a towel and a bucket. Pour warm water into the bucket and add
Epsom salts , refreshing lemon zest, warming ginger slices and several drops of your favorite essential oil (perhaps lavender or chamomile, to encourage relaxation). Check the water temperature is correct and place their little feet into the water for five to ten minutes, depending on their attention span.
Gentle foot massage
Step Two: Gentle Foot Massage
Dry the feet off and use some natural massage oil to further relax all those little muscles in both feet. Be sure to give each of the toes a squeeze and work around the back of the heel. You can refer to a
reflexology chart if you really want to get serious. A foot massage is not only a wonderful offering to give your children, it is also an investment in their good health, especially in winter.
A mini facial
Step Three: Mini Facial
Use a warm face washer to clean their face and gently massage around the eyes, forehead, ears and cheeks.
For young children: Place a slice of cucumber on each eye to cool and nourish, while you gently massage their hands and fingers.
For older children: Prepare one tablespoon of natural yogurt, mixed with one teaspoon of honey. Mix together well and apply (thinly) to the face. Place a cucumber slice on each eye to cool and nourish, while you gently massage their hands and fingers.
Massage their hands and fingers
Remove the cucumber slices and use the face washer to remove the yogurt and honey moisturiser. Encourage them to rest and feel the benefits of the pampering for as long as possible. What a wonderful treat for them.
NB. Do not push your children into anything they don't want to do. If they hate their feet being massaged, just skip that part. Try to keep the mood light and happy, if possible.
Hopefully, this will set them up for learning to nurture themselves during times of stress later in life. The kids day spa would make a great sleep over treat for older girls or even a party idea. Have fun.
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