DIY winter care for face and hair
When your work has you desk-bound for hours upon end, it is easy to adapt unhealthy postures, and for tension and stress to insidiously build up in the body. The first step towards relief lies in the simple act of awareness: by paying attention to our body, posture and tension, we can then take action to remedy the situation and work towards reducing stress and tension, and creating enhanced wellness in the workplace.
Image courtesy of imagerymajestic/
Try to move, change positions and get up from your desk as often as possible. An effective way to do this is to use visual cues by posting reminder, or prompt notes to your computer. Each time you look at the 'move' or 'stretch' or 'posture' note you are reminded to take action.
Music therapy
Use music as a tool for relaxation and joy. It's easy enough these days to access music via computers, phones, iPods or a small digital radio. When you're feeling the tedium of your job, play music that lifts your spirits, and when you're feeling particularly stressed and busy, try a classical music station.
The right kind of scent or fragrance in the air can lift you up and assist in keeping you alert and focused. Try a few drops of Frankincense in your palm, rub together and inhale several times throughout the day for an immediate lift. Or you may work in the kind of office where an oil burner would be tolerated, perhaps even welcomed by your co-workers. Some of the best oils for reducing stress and fatigue, and for lifting one's mood include bergamot, lemon, and ylang ylang. Be sure to use good quality 100% essential oils.
Oil burner. Image courtesy of markuso/
If you loathe your job or are fed up with the tedium of it, it can be incredibly difficult to remain motivated and productive. Try to see the positives in your job, and practice re-framing negatives into positives. For example, if you're stuck at a desk all day, instead of lamenting the fact, consider instead how great it is to not have to stand on your feet all day. The more you raise your vibration with positive thoughts and energy, the more likely you are to attract the kind of job that you actually want.
Fluids and fuel
Dehydration can stress the body, as can the rollercoaster blood sugar levels that come from sugar-laden snacks and beverages. Don't fall into the trap of trying to boost your energy with artificial fuel or caffeine. Take regular short walks to the kitchen for a reviving cup of green or peppermint tea, or pure water. Snack on slow energy release foods such as nuts, seeds, yoghurt, hard boiled eggs, banana with peanut butter or fresh vegetables dipped in hummus.
It is easy to get caught in a rut and unconsciously put unnecessary stress on your body. Follow these simple and practical tips to reduce work related tension and stress, and to enhance your general health and wellbeing.
#Stress Management
#Natural Cures & Prevention
Thumbnail image courtesy of Stuart Miles/
235260 - 2023-07-18 00:08:52