Eating and Exercising Right for your Blood Type

Eating and Exercising Right for your Blood Type

Posted 2013-08-26 by Justine Crowleyfollow
Great for many blood types

Dr Peter D'Adamo's best-selling works on the Blood Type Diet have been widely criticised for a lack of credible scientific evidence, but the movement has gathered a strong and steady following none the less. D'Adamo's work is based on the theory that lectins (carbohydrate-binding proteins) found on the surface of some foods, react differently with each blood type - to the health or detriment of the consumer. For each blood type he provides lists of foods he considers beneficial, neutral and to be avoided. Further information on this work can be found by clicking here .

Type O Blood Types

Thought by D'Adamo to be the oldest blood type (other research points to Type A being the oldest), he describes this group as the hunter. This group is believed to thrive on a high protein diet - think meat, seafood and beans. Raw, healthy foods are suitable. Your digestive system is strong, and you have a metabolism that constantly needs to be fed healthy, substantial meals. D'Adamo advises that type O's should stick to organic meats, avoid whole grain wheat products, and choose grains from the neutral foods list.

Perfect for type Os.

In terms of exercise, type O blood types love to go hard core, and (literally) sweat it out. Think long distance running events, even marathons. Zumba and Les Mills Body Attack classes at the gym would resonate with you.

Type A Blood Types

Believed by D'Adamo to originate 20,000 years ago with the birth of agriculture, and in response to warding off diseases that type O blood types could not alleviate alone - he calls this group the agrarian or cultivator. According to D'Adamo, people who carry this blood type have sensitive immune systems, and their bodies are designed to enjoy a diet emphasising vegetables and grains. Therefore, people in this blood type respond well to vegetarian and/or vegan diets.

Better for other blood types, yet youre still the judge.

In terms of exercise, type A blood types love light exercises such as yoga and pilates. If you fall into this blood type, your body will also respond well to meditating.

Type B Blood Types

The nomad or Type B came after type A as humans began to travel, explore and experiment with food a little more. The only group believed to thrive on dairy, the digestive system is at it's most flexible in this group and the immune system strong. You need to exercise quite frequently, yet you don't need to exercise and work a sweat like the type O's need to. Brisk walking for up to an hour a day is ideal, otherwise any lighter aerobic workout is great, as well as lifting weights.

Broccoli on the beneficial food list for all groups

Type AB Blood Types

A rare and relatively new blood type, which as its name suggests is a combination of both A and B blood types - and this is where D'Adamo's food recommendations sit for his enigma group. A meat and dairy diet is perfect for you, however D'Adamo advises you to keep your portion sizes fairly small. You know you body, so please trust yourself on this one. You'll love yoga when it comes to frequent exercise.


If you wish to find out your blood type, then contact the Australian Red Cross if you have donated blood before, or donate blood for the first time to find out. Otherwise your GP will be able to assist in this process.

This article is not a substitute for medical and nutritional advice. The writer has gone from research and experiences working in natural medicine. It is up to you to explore and listen to your body, and take note of which foods and exercises feel great, and conversely, what does not feel so great. Just because you are a type O, it does not mean that yoga is not a good form of exercise for you, it is just that other forms of exercise are more suited to your blood type, according to Dr D'Adamo.



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