Essential oils to enhance yoga meditation

Essential oils to enhance yoga meditation

Posted 2015-05-14 by Aleighafollow
Yoga meditation can calm and align the mind, body, and spirit. This practice has the capability to connect one more deeply with oneself emotionally and spiritually. Yoga meditation can be used to improve physical and emotional health. For centuries, fragrances have been used to enhance and deepen the experience of rituals and ceremonies in many cultures around the world. Essential oils can be used to enhance yoga meditation practice by promoting calm, focus, feelings of inner peace, relaxation, and grounding.

Yoga meditation can calm and align the mind, body, and spirit image courtesy pixabay

There are several ways to use essential oils during yoga meditation. Essential oils can be used topically on the skin with or without a carrier oil, depending on the type of oil chosen. Be sure to read the oil bottle label to determine if a carrier oil is necessary to avoid skin irritation. Essential oils may also be diffused in the air via an electronic diffuser, candle diffuser, or spray bottle. Some people prefer to place a few drops of essential oil directly on the corners of their yoga mats prior to each session.

Essential oils can enhance the yoga meditation experience by promoting calm, focus, feelings of inner peace, relaxation, and grounding image courtesy pixabay

Below is a list of essential oils commonly used to enhance yoga meditation. The purported benefit of each essential oil is listed to assist individuals in choosing the oil that may be right for the desired outcome for each yoga meditation session.

1. Frankincense. Frankincense is believed to heighten the spiritual aspect of yoga meditation by clearing awareness to deepen spiritual understanding. It is believed to bring peace and balance.

2. Myrrh. Myrrh is believed to reduce stress and bring focus to your yoga meditation session. It is believed to encourage the flow of energy and aid in achieving steady, deep breathing.

3. Cedarwood. Cedarwood is believed to assist one in focusing inward more clearly, create a calm and peaceful mood, and helps expand the breath to encourage feelings of inner peace and tranquility.

4. Sandalwood. This oil is believed to promote emotional and spiritual healing, as well as strength to persevere through emotional challenges.

5. Sage. Sage is used for grounding and is believed to clear negative energy and restore balance and positive energy.

6. Lavender. Promotes deep relaxation, soothes grief, and encourages feelings of peace and compassion.

7. Patchouli. Promotes grounding and a sense of security and stability. It is believed to build a balanced connection between the body, mind, and spirit.

8. Vetiver. Vetiver is used for grounding, increasing focus, and spiritual awareness. It is said to deepen our spiritual connection to the Earth as a source of our strength.

9. Neroli. Neroli promotes self acceptance and relaxation. It is believed to increase feelings of inner trust and promote feelings of security, protection, peace, and harmony.

10. Rose. Rose promotes self love and a deeper spiritual connection. This oil is often associated with unconditional love, the "inner feminine", and Divine Love.

As you incorporate essential oils into your practice, you will begin to discover which oils work best for you image courtesy pixabay

As you incorporate essential oils into your yoga meditation practice, you will begin to observe their benefits and discover which oils work best for you. Namaste.

Harding, Jennie. The Essential Guide to Oils: All the Healing Oils You Will Ever Need for Well-Being and Vitality. Watkins Publishing Ltd. 2013. Print.

Mars, Brigitte and Fiedler, Chrystle. The Home Reference to Holistic Health & Healing: Easy-to-Use Natural Remedies, Herbs, Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Supplements, and Therapuetic Practices for Health, Happiness, and Well-Being.Fair Winds Press. 2015. Print.

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