How to make your own coconut milk and cream

How to make your own coconut milk and cream

Posted 2016-03-31 by Bastion Harrisonfollow
There’s nothing quite so refreshing on a hot day as immersing yourself in a cool swimming pool, or as relaxing as a warm one in winter. Swimming is one of the best physical activities for people of all ages, abilities and fitness levels. It is inexpensive, fun and can be modified to suit each individual.

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But swimming has a whole lot of other benefits as well. Research conducted by the Indiana University shows that those who swim regularly actually delay the ageing of their body, and their biological age is lower than their chronological age.

So how does swimming keep you young? Here are six ways:

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1. Swimming - or any other kind of water exercise for that matter - is both resistant and aerobic. It allows you buoyancy while giving your muscles a good workout.

2. It is low-impact therefore gentle on your joints. Swimming – especially in warm water, loosens stiff joints and can sooth the effects of joint problems like arthritis.

3. Water activities burn calories and therefore can assist with weight loss.

4. Swimming strengthens your heart. Like other muscles in your body, the heart benefits from the resistant motion of swimming.

5. It also strengthens your lungs and can help to alleviate asthma symptoms.

6. Swimming is good for our mental health. It has been proven to lift our mood and give us a more positive outlook

Image courtesy of crimsonkitten92

With all the positive benefits that swimming brings, why not aim to make it a regular part of your fitness regime. Whether it’s a quick lap before work or a day at the pool or beach with family and friends, any time spent in the water is a step toward feeling and looking younger, healthier and more vibrant.

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#Exercise & Fitness

235836 - 2023-07-18 00:24:50


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