Lengthen Your Hair Without Shortening its Life
When making beauty decisions, it can be difficult to know what is good for you and what is full of
chemicals or other harmful substances . Makeup, hair dyes, extensions, there are a lot of products and a lot of choices. It can be hard to know which is the right one for you.
I like my hair to be long and full, but growing it out without accumulating damage can be a challenge. So I get hair extensions. Some of my friends who are also trying to live healthy lifestyles berated me, saying that extensions are synthetic crap that will ruin my hair. While that is true of some products, I am an informed consumer. Here are the specifications I made sure of when choosing the right hair extensions for me.
The Hair
[Image1 Hair Stylist]
I make sure my stylist uses 100% real human hair. It is certified Remy hair, which means that the cuticle is still intact. This ensures the hair will last longer. You are in control of where you get your extensions and what products you use. You can request “virgin” hair, which has never been dyed or chemically processed. A good supplier will give you all the details you want about the source of your hair.
[Image2 Cute Extensions]
The Application
Extensions are often defined by the way they are applied. Traditional application methods include braiding, glue, sewing, heat, and all sorts of potentially painful methods. Technology and education have moved extensions into the modern era.
Tape extensions are bound with a flat, lightweight tape you’ll hardly notice. There is no extra glue or heat to “melt” the extensions to your hair. They do need to be removed with a special alcohol solution that has a natural citrus-oil base. If you’d rather avoid that, there are other application methods.
Nano and Micro Bead applications involve threading your hair through small beads. This takes more time, but enables you to avoid products with chemicals and synthetic substances, and the hair is super-secure.
Preventing Damage
It is true that if you don’t take care of your extensions, they can damage your hair. It is also true that if you don’t get extensions and don’t take care of your hair, you will damage your hair. Steps to prevent damage: brush every day, use a quality (in my case natural) shampoo and conditioner, keep up with scheduled maintenance and never remove your extensions yourself. I know it can be awkward to get them removed if you’re ceasing your service, but better have that tense conversation than pull them out and damage your hair.
At the end of the day, if you’re an informed consumer, you can ensure that you live as healthy a lifestyle as you choose to. So look into the products you use, and make your own decisions. Don’t let people guilt-trip you for your choices.
235070 - 2023-07-18 00:04:43