Menopause More Than Just Hot Flushes

Menopause More Than Just Hot Flushes

Posted 2013-08-23 by Sharon Higsonfollow
As in all things in life there are beginnings and endings.

Menopause is the end, the end of a woman's child bearing years. This is something to celebrate. However, it's usually not until you have moved through the whole process that you can call it a blessing. If you are informed it will be an easier transition that leads to one of joy and freedom. But you have to pass through it, come out the other side and be informed while you are running the gauntlet.

Beginning of the endimage courtesy of

There are things that you should know that can help, especially when you are having unusual symptoms that you didn't even know were related. Twenty percent of women suffer with severe symptoms, some of which aren't widely known.

On a family vacation, sitting by a lake, my hubby and kids in the water, I was feeling quite anxious. This was a cold mountain lake where nothing lived but fish. Yet I had such fear going on. Being on vacation allowed me a few days to sort out my thoughts.

Puzzling at times Image courtesy of

Questioning everything, nothing different, and the job and family were all good. What then was the problem? Why the anxiety?

Get informed and you will feel better images courtesy of

It had to be hormones. Nothing else was different except the anxiety. Was it menopause? I was 39 years old. Too early they say, but I had a feeling.

Then other things started to happen. Do any of these sound familiar?

We have all heard of hot flushes and night sweats, each one of us will experience them in our own ways. There are some symptoms though that will surprise you and yes, they do happen.

Three percent of women get skin itch, a crawling sensation under the skin that can change places, show up every month for a few days, and make you wonder until you find out this is another part of the process.

Memory loss, fuzzy headedness and the inability to concentrate all make the list. You will feel like you just woke up from anesthetic. Your family will start to question your sanity, as will you. Lecithin is a naturally occurring substance in every cell in our bodies which, if taken in supplement form can help clear your mind, making it worth its weight in gold.

Dont question your sanityimages courtesy of

Cholesterol can climb, sleeplessness occurs, depression and a host of other symptoms can occur. You won't get all the symptoms, some of you won't get any. If you, like me, get to be one of the twenty percent who do, I urge you to question what is going on. It is worth looking at the information out there and there is plenty. Go here for some good insights.

Be aware that you can use natural therapies with assistance from a qualified health professional. You can also choose Hormone Replacement Therapy, though this is not for everyone. Make the right choice for you.

The key is to know the symptoms and know what to do images compliments of

There is so much more to menopause than just hot flushes and night sweats. Get informed and you will feel so much better about what is going on. It will be a blessing.

#natural_cures_ &_Prevention
#women 's_Health

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