Natural lemon highlights for your hair

Natural lemon highlights for your hair

Posted 2014-05-20 by Helenonthesofafollow
When I was a teenager and my mum wouldn't let me dye my dirty blonde hair to make it lighter, I'd reach for a stack of lemons to get some homemade natural highlights. If you're looking for a more natural solution for highlighting, then lemon juice can work really well. Best results are for those with blonde or light brown hair, but you can also get some colour lift if you have darker hair too.

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What You'll Need

Set aside about an hour if you want to create some noticeable results.

  • 2 lemons
  • An empty spray bottle
  • A juicer
  • Sunshine

  • When life gives you lemons, get highlights

    How To

    All you need to do is juice 2 lemons and put the lemon juice into a spray bottle. If you've got very long hair, you may need more than 2 lemons. If you want all-over highlights then spray all over your hair, but a nice sun kissed look can be achieved through sectioning off parts of your hair and only spraying these areas. Once your hair is damp from the lemon juice, go and sit outside in the sunshine for at least 30 minutes.

    The citric acid in the lemon juice, works with the UV rays from the sunshine to open up and bleach your hair.

    Top Tips

  • Don't over-do it; as too much lemon juice and sunshine can cause your hair to go brassy. Just do it a few times over the summer months to keep the beach babe natural look.

  • Lemon juice and sunshine will dry your hair out, so use a good deep conditioning treatment on your hair after you've got your highlights. Coconut oil would work very well to restore moisture to your hair follicles.

  • If you're sitting in the sunshine for a long time, apply a natural sunscreen to your hairline to avoid sunburn.

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