Natural Relief from Sinus Congestion

Natural Relief from Sinus Congestion

Posted 2013-09-24 by SupahAnniefollow
We all get cold & flu sometimes. A lot of people suffer from sinus problems too. I have suffered from sinus problems all my life & have tried many different things along the way. So I wanted to give you all some great tips on how to relieve some of these symptoms & prevent suffering from them again!

Stopping the sinus build up at all is the way to go. So I will start with tips on how to clear your sinuses as an ongoing thing. I know you may be thinking that you can't possibly fit anything else in your busy schedule, but don't worry these things are quick and easy to do & don't cost a fortune.

1) Nasal sprays
They come medicated and non medicated. The non medicated ones including Flo, Fess and Otrivin use ingredients such as salt water that help to clear your sinuses naturally. As they are not medicated they can be used anytime & for long periods of time.

Flo is longer than many other nasal sprays to help reach up higher to your sinuses. It also sprays well at any angle. You can get Flo & Fess for any age group from babies to adults.

Otrivin is another nasal spray that is pretty much the same as Fess and Flo except this one comes in medicated ( called Otrivin Plus) & non medicated. The medicated one is only to be used for a few days at a time. It's really for when the sinus buildup is very bad rather than as a preventative. They can all be found at chemists & some supermarkets.

2) Sinus Cleanses/Rinses
There are two really good ones that can be used twice a day, Flo Sinus Cleanse & Neilmed. Both are non medicated & pretty much do the same thing, even their bottles look the same! Both can be purchased at chemists. Flo is Australian owned.

They are a bit tricky - you fill it up with warm pre-boiled water & add the contents of one sachet. Then shake the bottle, bend over your bathroom sink & put it up one nostril. Then slowly squeeze the bottle until the liquid inside the bottle comes out your other nostril. I know it sounds disgusting but the relief is so worth it! Once you are halfway through the bottle change & do the same with the other nostril. It's very important to breathe through your mouth deeply (I also keep it open) whilst you are doing it, otherwise it can feel like it is flooding you!

3) Vaporisers
I think these are great especially for babies & children. It is all natural, non medicated & very relaxing. It helps sinus sufferers to breathe easier & aids particularly well for sleep time. It's a bit of mucking around, but you add some essential oil drops such as eucalyptus or lavender, then you add cold tap water up till the fill line. You plug it into the wall & it basically boils the water & oil so it bubbles for up to eight hours, allowing steam & nice oil scents to fill the room. I bought the Vicks one & they can be expensive but they are worth it & should last a long time. The oil you put in can be expensive but there is no need to buy the same brand, try eucalyptus or lavender oil that you can get much cheaper at a supermarket.

Image from

4) Natural steam
Basically boil water in a kettle or pot & pour it into a large bowl. Then place a towel over the head and breathe up the steam. Some people swear by it but it has never really worked for me. I find it burns my face too much! You can also turn on your shower using just the hot tap & sit in the bathroom while it fills up with steam & breathe that in. Remember to keep the fan off. If you don't have a vaporiser you can try boiling a kettle, leaving it near where you are with the doors & windows closed.

5) Eucalyptus
Suck on the lollies, sniff it from a tissue, handkerchief or face washer anytime your sinuses are playing up. It's really strong and powerful. Spray it onto your pillow before you go to sleep. Can be found both at chemists & at the supermarket.

6) Rubs
Try using either Eucky Bear Rub or Vicks on your chest, back and throat area, particularly at sleep time. This can even be used in babies, however some people find the feeling of it too warm but I find it soothing & relaxing. Can be found at chemists and some supermarkets.

7) Nasal strips
Try Breathe Right nasal strips which are available at supermarkets in the medical aisle. They are not a good fashion statement but are perfect for sleeping at night. You place the strip (like a bandaid) over your nose just above your nostrils. It naturally opens up your nostrils to help you breathe easier whilst you sleep. They work for up to 8 hours. Only to be used by adults.

8) Nasal inhalers
These are shaped just like lip gloss. They are small enough to be carried everywhere. You simply remove the lid place into your nostril and sniff it up to clear your sinuses. I use the Vicks one and it really works for me. Can buy from chemists & some supermarkets.

9) Prop up your bed
When you have bad sinus problems sleep can feel impossible because when you lie down the sinus pressure gets even worse. So using more pillows under your head or under your mattress can relieve some of that pressure.

I hope these tips work for you. I am not a doctor so please do not use medicated products without checking with your doctor first. Alternatively, consult a natural health professional for more natural methods of conquering sinus problems.

Do you have any other tips or tricks on relieving sinus, colds or flu? If so please add them in comments section below.

Now clear up your stuffy nose & breathe easy!

#natural_cures_ &_Prevention

234985 - 2023-07-18 00:00:43


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