Nutritional yeast what it is and how you use it
Nutritional yeast is a tasty, low-sodium seasoning substitute with a salty and slightly cheesy taste. It is a nutrient-rich vegan and dairy free alternative to cheese.
But what is it and how do you use it?
What is nutritional yeast?
Nutritional yeast is the deactivated form of
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the same species of yeast as baker’s and brewer’s yeast. It is grown on sugar medium, dried and deactivated before use. The deactivated form can no longer ferment.
The yeast comes in the form of flakes, granules or powders and is available in health food stores and supermarkets.
What are the health benefits of nutritional yeast?
Nutritional yeast is low in sodium, saturated fat and is dairy, corn, wheat and soy free. It is a good alternative for people with intolerances.
It is high in vitamin B including thiamine, folate, B6 and niacin. It also contains magnesium, copper and manganese.
Nutritional yeast is a good source of dietary fibre. It has a high protein content and contains 4 - 5g of protein per tablespoon, contributing to your daily protein requirement.
Nutritional yeast improves energy levels due to its high vitamin B levels and the beta-glucan fibre has been found to have immune boosting effects.
Research has found that the immune system of athletes who ate beta-glucan fibre derived from nutritional yeast for 10 days before strenuous exercise recovered faster from the stress of exercise.
How do you use nutritional yeast?
You can use nutritional yeast in the same was as a seasoning. Try sprinkling it on salads, potatoes, steamed vegetables, pastas or soups.
[Image3 Sprinkle on popcorn for a nachos tasting snack]
It can be mixed with rice, quinoa and pasta dishes. It can be used to make cheesy sauces and is a great substitute for [Link Vegan mac and cheese]!
[Image2 Vegan mac and cheese]
Nutritional yeast is a great addition whether you need a vegan or dairy free alternative to cheese or just want a health hit.
If you use it, how do you use it? Submit your recipes here by hitting
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[Link Amazing clean vegan mac and cheese]
236176 - 2023-07-18 00:33:45