Personal trainer stacks on fat to show us how to lose it

Personal trainer stacks on fat to show us how to lose it

Posted 2014-05-16 by Selina Shaplandfollow
Back in July 2013 I was flicking through the TV channels working out my bicep when I came across a very intriguing documentary entitled Fat and Back.

Here is the YouTube video entitled Fat and Back: Documentary by Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, Chef and Author, Paul 'PJ' James for you to watch:

It was about a personal trainer, PJ, who decided to gain a real life experience of what it feels like to be obese, and prove that through mind-set you can lose the kilos.

I was glued to the documentary as I watched PJ's journey from being a leading underwear model to an unfit and overweight man. He made his New Years Resolution to put on as much weight as possible in 2009. The journey of getting fat and coming back took 12 months. He started out by eating unhealthy foods and stopped exercising as he always had.

PJ took this journey into deeper self-awareness to gain understanding that would help him to truly relate to his obese clients. His clients used to tell him that he did not, and could not understand where they were coming from. So, he took a leap and learned first hand. He went from 80kg of muscle and low body fat ratio to 120kg with approximately 35% body fat.

The documentary shows his first workout session and it was tough. I could certainly relate as I have been through my own fat/fit/slightly cuddly experience.

PJ teamed up with a workout buddy Michelle, who was obese, to lose weight through exercise and healthy eating choices. This was to prove that it could be done even if you weren't a personal trainer with a background of fitness.

Michelle seemed to give it a good go, but ended up ceasing her participation in the program.

PJ kept going.

He freely admits that he had never known what it was like to carry body fat as he had always been lean and fit. His return to fit and svelte wasn't as easy as he had first thought. He had cravings for sugary and fatty delights and lacked the same level of motivation to exercise that he once had. He went through depression as a result of this lifestyle change.

PJ on Today Tonight Part 3: Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, Chef and Author, Paul 'PJ' James on YouTube:

It was a fascinating physical and psychological study of the mind of a fitness professional and the human body. It was interesting to listen to the insights that PJ gained from his experience. I suspect he is a great trainer and a lot more compassionate.

Of course he got back to lean and fit but not without an emotional roller coaster ride first. It was a 12 month journey into the world of obesity and back again.

As he already had cultivated muscle for so long, he would have found it a lot easier to reduce the body fat.

Muscle burns body fat. The more we lift weights, the more muscle our bodies build, even for women. We will never be masculine unless we have too much testosterone in our systems. But having muscle is a good thing for getting lean and fit and keeping our figures.

Lifting weights is also important for strengthening our bones and reducing the chance of osteoporosis.

#exercise_ &_Fitness

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