Quick Tip 145 Supreme shave
Most people recognise
coconut oil as a impressively
versatile product, but did you know it makes a super effective
shaving cream as well?
Being naturally
anti-fungal and incredibly
hydrating, using coconut oil as a
natural alternative to the
chemical-laden and
expensive store-brought products is definitely worth a try.
courtesy of Flickr
After a
warm shower or bath, gently pat your skin dry and generously massage coconut oil on the area. Shave as you
usually would, rinsing the blade regularly to keep it clean and sharp.
{10 uses for Coconut oil}
{Coconut oil and acne}
{How to pull oil: Ayurvedic remedy for health and hygiene}
#men 's_Health
236078 - 2023-07-18 00:32:07
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