Stop smoking with positive affirmations

Stop smoking with positive affirmations

Posted 2014-07-20 by Wendy Martinfollow
It seems that all the self help movements of the past few decades have placed great reliance in the value of positive affirmations.

So much so that the 'mind over matter' principle arguably could mean that one could foster going 'cold turkey' in an effort to quit smoking with the use of positive thinking.

Can thinking positive thoughts actually help you stop smoking Image creditVjeran

And while it's one thing to voice the affirmations and another entirely to act on them, surely affirmations combined with positive supporting action can increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. Affirmations can help in the short term by directing your thoughts in a positive direction. Overall, they ultimately work because the message filters slowly into your subconscious and may eventually become your default thought or feeling, thereby almost re-training your brain.

If you are using hypnotherapy to assist you in quitting smoking, positive thoughts can easily be incorporated into your session and often are Image credit Ant

If you choose hypnosis to also assist you in smoke cessation, these positive thoughts can also be built into your hypnosis session so that positive thoughts just naturally and automatically come to mind.

You can have create a series of associations which also become affirmations such as each time you feel a breeze of fresh air you can associate it with a reminder that your lungs are now only breathing fresh air as a non-smoker.

You could associate seeing someone exercise with the thought that you are now a healthier person too, or each time you see your child or a loved one it can remind you of why you quit. It's easy to do and yet effective.

You could associate seeing someone exercising with the thought that you are now a healthier person too. Image credit Cienpies

Many hypnotherapists believe there is another element to successful affirmations for quitting smoking, or any thing else. The method is simple; close your eyes in a quiet space, say the affirmation then notice any response in your thoughts feelings or body.

For example, you state that you are a non smoker, you get a comfortable feeling in your body and a feeling that this is right for you. This means that your conscious and unconscious mind, are in agreement and so this affirmation will work for you.

In another example you could state that "I am successfully quitting smoking", you notice a feeling of doubt or a slumping feeling in your body. This indicates you have some unconscious resistance.

In this case, it indicates there are areas in your life which you want to change but there is more work to do.

Affirmations can be a great way of focusing on the change you desire in your life for not only health reasons such as giving up smoking but any positive change you'd like to make. And as you continue to reinforce your changes over time it will be without any unconscious resistance and come naturally.

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